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Showing posts from January, 2018

Commlite Canon EOS to Sony E adapter

I possess two Canon DSLRs and two Sony mirrorless compact system cameras. The big full frame Canon I find too heavy to carry around, and, outdoors,  I tend to use the Sony most of the time. However I have a small collection of good Canon lenses that might be useful on the smaller camera. You can buy cheap adapters to fit Canon lenses to Sony cameras, but they do not allow adjustment of the lens aperture, auto focus, or in lens image stabilisation. Alternatively you can spend rather a lot of cash and buy a top of the range adapter, e.g. Metabones, which will give full electronic contact between camera and lens. I don't think that I will be making that much use of my Canon lenses on the Sony, as carrying heavy full frame lenses rather defeats the purpose of using a lightweight compact camera. However I would like to make occasional use of them, possibly in connection with a tripod, and the lens that I would particularly like to fit is my Sigma  APO 100-300 f4 . I used t...

Enhancing skies in Photoshop

Most outdoor photos can be improved by doing a bit of work on the sky. I don't know why it is, but skies out of camera look insipid, particularly if, like me, you shoot raw files. In most cases a levels adjustment will perk up the sky. In order to do this you need to select the sky for the adjustment. There are various ways of doing this, for example you can use the quick select tool and maybe apply a feathering of the edge. (Select, Refine). However if there are hard edges present, e.g. the built environment, this might not be appropriate. You might then consider using more precise selection methods, for example the Polygonal selection tool or the Pen. Both of these tools require skill, time and patience. Quote often there are both soft and hard edges, when quick select accompanied by a more accurate method can be employed. In that instance it might be necessary to feather the soft edges by painting on or erasing from the layer mask [2], e.g. where there are trees etc. There...

The New Blog

I would have liked to have continued with my old Blog (Bryan's Photo Blog), but, on changing my e-mail address I was unable to access it. Yup, seems crazy, but I can't persuade Mr Google that I am the owner of said blog. It isn't being updated any more but it can still be located here   . Meanwhile I am still using and enjoying my Sony A6500 camera with an assortment of mainly manual focus lenses, and continuing to sell my work on Alamy. I've just ordered a cut price Canon EOS to Sony adapter and am awaiting delivery. I'll give it a good testing and let you know the outcome in due course.